Ámbito social de las violencias:
Tipo de violencias:
Prevención: Sensibilización / información, Fortalecimiento comunitario
Atención social: Primera escucha, Asistencia telefónica, Acompañamiento psicosocial
Atención de la salud:
Atención jurídica: Documentación médica-jurídica
Población objetivo:
Observaciones y comentarios: The Jamaica Coalition Against Domestic Violence(JCADV) is a nonprofit organization committed to combating and preventing Domestic Abuse and Violence. The JCADV was formed in 2019 to inform and educate people about Domestic Violence to raise awareness, increase reporting, and decrease incidents. Additionally, the JCADV aid victims and their families and connect them with judicial services, law enforcement, medical, psychological, and other outreach programs in the community.